Monday, March 30, 2009

House Hunt 09

To catch you up:

I decided a few months ago I wanted to buy a home. I was really trying to not take it seriously. I went out twice with a realtor (Kim) with the intention of getting a firm grasp of what's in my price range. I had given up on finding anything decent on the South side of town and was looking in central/north Columbia.

But like I said, I wasn't SERIOUSLY looking. I didn't want to get serious about anything until this summer. That was... until... the foreclosure.

Kim texted me (yes, she texts, it's great) around 9 pm one night. She had found a foreclosure that had just dropped it's price dramatically. It is in South Ridge (about a 10 minute walk from where I currently live!). We looked at the next day and it was BY FAR the nicest I had been in. It's definitely got some, shall we say, quirkiness to it. But nothing that couldn't be painted over of removed (ehem-blue shag carpet...)

After much deliberation with about everyone I came into contact with, I decided to make an offer. And now... we wait. There were 3 other offers as well. Ugh.

I did go loan shopping today. Scary and so adultish... That was until my car broke down in the US Bank parking lot. I started to interpret this as a sign. Sign for what you may ask? I don't know. I just figured my car breaking down in the midst of me loan shopping was indicating something. Turns out it was just a loose connection to my battery. No worries, it's up and running beautifully now.

I find out in the next few days (maybe even tomorrow) if they took my offer. If so, then it's mine unless they find something in the inspection I don't want to pay for.

I'm holding it loosely. I really really really like the house, the location, the quirkiness, etc. But I don't feel like my world will fall apart if something falls through.

There are so many "what-ifs" in this process. A lot of fears have been stirred up that I didn't even know I carried. I've never considered myself a worrier. I guess I've never had to do something so huge on my own though.

Anyway- I will keep my blog followers posted as much as possible on the process. I'm learning a-heck-of-a-lot.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good for you friend. I hope its yours!
