Friday, September 11, 2009

As I’m entering a new stage in life, I am coming to terms that I am nowhere close to the woman God calls me to be. The amazing thing is, the qualities that I lack are present in the different women all around me. I wish I could soak up different traits and qualities from each woman in my life.

I wish I could have:

Bissy’s love

Sara Jaeger’s humor

My sister’s adaptability

Bonnie’s spiritual hunger

My mom’s creativity

Carly’s integrity

Quinn’s honesty

Jen Garrett’s gentleness

Mary Kate’s endurance

Molly Cover’s servanthood

Sarah Phillip’s passion

Rachel Tiemeyer’s zeal

Lynn’s wisdom

Kylie’s loyalty

Heather Young’s beauty

Abbie Walden’s passion

Emily Lewis’ delightfulness

Emily Camp’s fun spirit

Kaitlin Rulon’s steadfastness

Kelley Wampler’s aliveness

Kristen Vogel’s freedom

Jeanna’s drive and hunger to grow

Noelle’s quiet strength

Lindsey Patton’s uniqueness

Megan Webel’s humility

Molly Mulcahy’s joy

Colleen's thoughtfulness

Megan Birum’s ambition

Kathleen’s quiet humor

Hattie’s combination of humility and strength

I could go on and on. I didn’t even dive into past Young Life girls or small group gals.

I want to look at people and see the evidence of God in them. I want to be a learner of these amazing women in my life and soak up the gifts and qualities that they have.

Thank you, Jesus, for the blessing of women in my life.


Hattie said...

This meant a lot to me reading this this morning. And not that there are levels of spirituality, but I sure do aspire to be like you and have your discipline. If you're not the woman God wants you to be, then he must have a lot more in store for you cause I think you're pretty incredible!

Rachel Tiemeyer said...

Wow, thanks for the compliment. You expressed my sentiments exactly in this post. Wish I could have your work ethic for Christ, Polly!

Meg of said...

Wow. I just saw this. So honored to even be on here. Such a compliment.