Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Day in the Life

of a student ministry director...

Today, I squeezed 10 high school girls in a minivan that only had 4 functioning seats. It was like a clown car when we pulled up and unloaded at Panera.
As we passed a cop on the way there, I had to direct half of them to duck down and the other half to act normal. The didn't seem to mind. But seriously, what teenager minds undermining authority?

1 comment:

Hattie said...

Oh it's good to know I'm not the only one breaking the law by cramming the teens into a too small car. I was at a bday party a month ago and we did a scavenger hunt. This time I was the extra body sitting in the hatch of an SUV. We got pulled over and it was the 17 year olds who were hiding me under a gorilla costume. I went unnoticed by the cop, but what could I have even said, "Sorry officer. Yes, yes. I know, I'm 28 years old."